Friday, October 21, 2011


Two of the finished Halloween pillows for the kids.  Logan's "Wally Pumpkin" and Marie's candy are MIA.   

Haven't worked on my Monopoly in a while but here is what I have at this point.

Here is the finished LHN Snowflakes.  I used all DMC colors and I don't remember what kind/color of linen this is as I started this around this time last year.  I got irritated with it when I frogged it for the tenth time last year so I put it down.  I picked it up again about a week ago and finished stitching the border and really got my MOJO on and didn't do anything else until I finally finished it!  Love how it turned out!

The weather is finally cooler now, or is at this point in time.  The week started out hot and muggy and today it's only 63 at 11:00 a.m. and a nice northerly breeze is keeping it fall weather.  I love this time of year!

I was able to start volunteering in Logan's class this week and I have to say I LOVE IT!  We weren't sure how he would handle me being there with him but after a tiny hiccup he, for the most part, acted like I wasn't there.  Every time I would get up to do something or when it was time to leave he'd say "Mommy sit!"  The rest of the time he'd ignore me or so I thought. lol  I volunteered on Wednesday and Thursday for a couple of hours each day and I'm going back on Friday of next week.  They have Monday and Tuesday off and DH is home on Thursday so it's the next available day.  I love doing this!  I feel useful again. lol 

Kaitlyn made "A" Honor Roll and is getting the Terrific Kid Award during their awards assembly on Wednesday.  I'm so excited for her!!  I know, she's only in the first grade but still!!!  I was unable to get out of work the one time Marie got A/B Honor Roll way back and I've felt terrible ever since.  I told her we'd do our own awards show at home as soon as we get her grades.  I have the Hallmark Card Studio software on my computer and can make all sorts of awards, cards and other great projects.  It's going to be fun!

Today is catch up day with all the cleaning, laundry and errand running.  I also plan to sit down and get a little stitching done on my B is for Boy from the JCS magazine.  I finished the G is for Girl a while back and had to wait to get some blue fabric and then I ran out of floss. lol  I think my MOJO is back for a while this time.  It's funny, when I lose my stitching MOJO I also lose my interest in reading at the same time.  Weird!

Off to do the vacuuming and laundry.  I hope everyone has a wonderful week and is enjoying the nice autumn weather!


L.O. said...

I love your finishes. They look great! Glad your mojo is back. I have not stitched in a week or so. Funny how the desire to stitch comes and goes. Enjoy your weekend with the kids. Hope the weather stays nice for you.

Carolyn NC said...

Sounds like you and the kiddos are doing great! Nice stitching and finishes!

Meari said...

CUTE finishes! Congrats. Glad to hear working at the school is working out. Too cute that Logan was telling you to sit, LOL. Congrats to the girls for making honor rolls!