Monday, April 13, 2009

OMG! What a way to spend Spring Break!

A quick update before I call the pharmacy again. It turns out poor Logan isn't just suffering from allergies but has strep throat too. He didn't communicate that he was in pain until late yesterday afternoon. Today, we were able to get him into see the local doctor. DH had to go see if he was going to be picked for jury duty so all the kids came with us. Katie came down with what I thought was just a head cold. Ryan started back up with the cough and runny nose this morning. The doctor took a look at all of them and then proceeded to check them all out. Yep, you guessed it! They ALL have strep throat!

I'm waiting on the pharmacy to fill their prescriptions for antibiotics so I can start them ASAP. He said they'll all no longer be contagious 24 hours after the first dose so we should be able to still head to Ryan's neurologist's appointment tomorrow. My children (the one's that have had to have them) and antibiotics don't get along. They kill all the good stuff along with the bad stuff so I have to fight twice as much junk the entire ten days. I just left a message for hubby to stop by Publix for some diaper doublers and some yogurt for those children that can have dairy. For Logan, I get to start him on some other supplements as soon as the antibiotics are done in ten days. I've never had all four kids sick at the same time before so this should be interesting. LOL Please say a prayer that I survive this week and still have my sanity by the time the three go back to school on Monday.


Daffycat said...

Oh Lord. You poor mom. I hope everyone is feeling better soon. ***hugs***

CindyMae said...

Oh no!!! It is hard enough when one of our kids are sick but when all of them get it! I hope that they are all better soon!!!

Carolyn NC said...

Ouch - I'm so sorry to see your break turn out this way. Hope everyone is feeling better soon and you are able to get some rest!

Michelle Andaya said...

I hear you. All of us are just now starting to feel better. But DH feels really bad and just called a minute ago. He is coming home and can't make it til the end of his (3rd) shift.

I hope they all feel better soon.

Say it with me: THIS TOO SHALL PASS. *wink

Meari said...

Oh my goodness! I'm sure *THAT* is a lot of fun with all of them having step. (not)

Sharon said...

Terry, I hope you have survived and everyone is on the mend now!

Anonymous said...

Bless your heart! I don't see how you do it. I hope that everyone is better now and that life is back to normal. Congratulations on your award too. You deserve it!