Monday, March 5, 2012


Winter part of the Four Season Band Sampler from JCS.

I actually had some free time to stitch this weekend!!  Of course, my ORTS keep disappearing and they never seem to  make it into my vase. lol  I started throwing them into my stitching bag and will dig them out before the next report is due.  I did take some thread remnants from my daughter's room.  She likes to make bracelets for her friends and she leaves the excess thread all over the house.  lol

It's been a crazy CRAZY couple of weeks but I see light at the end of the tunnel.  Logan has been having lots of behavior issues as of late.  He had limited his rage outbursts to home and me but that has changed and he's now displaying this rage at school.  It has gotten so bad that I've had to call the Agency for Person's with Disabilities for help.  Thankfully they are really good and I am working with a behavior specialist to try to find out exactly what is setting him off.  I've starting documenting every outburst and what is happening right before, the outburst itself and the consequence for his behavior.  It's amazing to see how much and the times of day that the behavior happens.  Hopefully by this time next week, we can narrow down the occurances to get a behavior plan in place.  I have to say it's been a very exhausting couple of months but I finally feel like I'm getting some help and don't feel so totally helpless. 

I know that I can't deal with it by myself all the time and need to take a break when I can.  Thankfully, my hubby has been great about dealing with him when I've reached my limit.  The two of us work really great together on everything.  He even volunteered to go get the kids on Thursday so that I could have that hour of total relaxation and silence.  I read for a little bit and then just sat enjoying the silence.  I thought about doing some cleaning but then decided I needed some me time which is what he had in mind when he volunteered. lol

It's Monday, their was a sub in Logan's class today so I ran for the hills so I could do the shopping and come home to clean and do the mopping.  One day a week my house looks and smells great.....until they get home to destroy it. lol  I'd better get to the rest of the laundry and everything else that didn't get done this weekend.  Have you ever noticed that it doesn't matter how much laundry you do it never seems to be done???  I did a ton of laundry on Saturday and again yesterday but I still have a lot more to go. Oy!

Bike week starts here at the end of this week so hopefully the weather will stay nice for them.  Hope everyone has a great week!  


L.O. said...

Love your stitching. It is nice to see that you finally got some "me" time because you sure do have a lot on your plate right now. I hope everything starts to even out for you soon. Take care.

Carolyn NC said...

Very pretty!

Cheryl said...

Pretty stitching.
Glad you have been getting support and see the light at the end of the tunnel!
And i sooo no what you mean about one day a week the house feeling clean. Literally as soon as i feel things are clean and tidy, its ruined lol